Friday, June 4, 2010

wonderland theme i come....

2morrow is saturday so time to enjoyyy......hehehhee. No la actually nk gi wonderland theme park temankn along bw ank2 dia pegi swimming so sy pn swimming skali la....hehehhe.....

so wonderland theme i come.....

Thursday, June 3, 2010

surprise gone.......huhuhu

2day is friday should be hepi day becoz 2morrow holiday but............huhuhu. My surprise for mr F gone becoz of my mistake....guest wat?.....wrong address, very simple mistake........huhuhu. sory ya EN. FIKRI.............anyway HEPI BESDAY......................LUV U SO MUCH..........

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

is it look same???? 1 more boring day, suddenly find 1 web look and U can see u in 20years later and see ur baby with ur future husband...hehehhee sound interesting right.....see the result ya and judge whether same or not.....

dh kedut2.....huhuhu

Look at me - I'm old!


Look at me in 20 years from now!

Make yourself older

Make yourself older! See your face in 20 years

paper box...

yesterday not update this blog very bz la....guest wat...not bz doing our work but bz learn how to make a box by using paper daaaa.............hehehe. Now....da terror lipat kertas until jd box. But dont hv all the pic to show off in this blog la....Finally hv something when went back from this office...hahahahhaahaha
And i hv made something special for someone......hehheehehhe
wats dat ya?????????? hehehehe............surprise.....